Let the Movement Set You Free!
“If you can walk, you can dance….If you can talk, you can sing”.
– African Proverb –

As a TranscenDance certified facilitator, I am thrilled to be able to take people on a mind, body, and spirit journey through spontaneous movements. One way to describe this wonderful modality is that we take the mindfulness of Yoga off the mat and combine it with inspiring music and free-form joyful dance.

Given that our issues live in our tissues, moving is a foundational asset to gain freedom from them. As we transcendance, we consciously take any mental, emotional or physical stress, tension, stuck energy, and negativity in our lives, and we release it all through natural body movements. Then we consciously infuse every cell in our body, every thought we’re thinking, and all of our energy with the energy of freedom, joy, vitality, abundance, and love.

TranscenDance is a 10 stages sequence, open to all levels of experience and mobility. Whether you’re completely out of shape or at peak fitness. Whether you are fully mobile or not, healing from an injury, or recovering from surgery, there is a place for you in this joyous, loving class. We ALL get to celebrate dancing together with a childlike curiosity!

In the first stage, we set an intention around what we wish to experience through the class on that specific day. We decide what we want to shift, feel, or create during this psycho-somatic healing practice. You may be surprised at what can happen from playing full out! Many have experienced instant healing or deep insights leading to healing later. In any case, by the end of class, people usually feel much better, more centered, both energized and relaxed.

To experience and benefit from this beautiful modality, or get more details, click HERE to sign up to the next class with Cécile.