What’s New?

  • BEYOND ROMANCE: A Valentine’s Celebration of SELF-LOVE!
    Being nurtured by a partner on Valentine’s Day is always nice. But what if this special day became a celebration of LOVE with a capital L—not just romantic love, but love for family, friends, and most importantly, yourself? What do you think? Expressing love…
    This is a book in the making that is meant to be educational and inspiring in a unique way. It is illustrated with Cecile’s artwork and can be used daily for nuggets of wisdom that can help your day feel so much better! Check the excerpt on this page!
    Let the movement set you free with this wonderful mind, body, heart, and soul journey designed to transcend challenges into increased Peace and Joy! As we transcendance together, we consciously take any mental, emotional or physical stress, tension, stuck energy, and negativity in our lives, and we release it all through natural body movements. Appropriate for all body types and levels of fitness!
    Living Body-Wisdom Circle is a new offering designed to support members reclaiming their Integrated Self for Ease of Movement and Ease of Being. This circle is for anyone seeking to deepen their connection with their body’s wisdom, find balance, and experience Increased Wellbeing, and the Joy of Wholeness. All are welcome here!


“I feel so lucky to have found Cecile! She is an excellent teacher and a very kind and interesting person. I learn so much during our appointments and I’ve been able to incorporate her lessons into my daily to life to decrease the physical soreness caused by my mind and body’s responses to stress.

Not only does she have a mastery of the Alexander Technique, but she takes care to explain herself well (and make sure that you understand), she has a beautiful French accent and her space is warm and relaxing. Take the time to do this for yourself and you will be so glad you did!” Susie L.

The Miracle of Expanded Awareness

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

J. K. Rowling

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Dr. Seuss

Discover the Wise Way to Be In Your Body!
