Tired of coping with chronic pain?
Interested in getting sustainable results?
When chronic tension or pain interferes with the quality of your life, it is time to stop coping and get to the underlying source of it. With the Body Intelligence Activation Process™ based on the Alexander Technique and Embodied Life Coaching, you can reduce, eliminate, or even prevent lingering pain to get back to the life you want and deserve. DISCOVER the key to sustainable results. UNCOVER the unconscious habits that are feeding your challenges. And as you learn to activate your Body Intelligence, RECOVER your wellbeing to live your best life!

“Cécile is amazing at what she does. She helped me recover from deep-seated postural issues which also increased my body awareness and mindfulness ability. While her hands-on work is like magic, Cécile also has the ability to teach remotely with great efficacy. I highly recommend her!” – Mona Kelly, Yoga Teacher, Pilates Instructor, Vedic Astrologer
